
Voting in the Local Elections begins in:

Voting closes Noon, 11 October 2025

Local elections are here!
E haere mai ana ngā pōti ā-rohe

Every three years, elections are held across New Zealand to elect mayors, councillors, community boards and other local body positions. This is your chance to make your voice heard and have your say in the future of the Ashburton District.

The next elections will be held in 2025, with voting taking place between 9 September - 11 October.

Are you enrolled?

Anyone correctly enrolled can vote where they live, as well as in any other area where they pay rates. To enrol or update your details:

  • Visit vote.nz and use your New Zealand driver license, New Zealand passport or RealMe verified identity to enrol online
  • Call free 0800 36 76 56 and ask for a form to be sent to you

If you’d like help with the enrolment forms and checking your online details, please call into Ashburton Library on Baring Square East where staff are happy to help you.

Standing for election.

Have you thought about standing for the Ashburton District? If elected, you could play a crucial role in our District’s future through the decisions you help make over the next three years.

Any New Zealand citizen over the age of 18 and enrolled on the parliamentary roll can stand for election and our community needs representatives of all backgrounds and walks of life.

Who are we voting for?
E pōti ana tātou mō wai?

Representatives on: